Monday, October 27, 2008

Mia Bella's Candles

I am also an independent distributor for Mia Bella's candles and other scented products. These candles are awesome and smell wonderful ! I have a candle obsession so when I found these, I knew I must help others find out about them, too. I personally, compare them to Circle E candles, but better. They are all natural and virtually soot free, unlike most of the others on the market. They have nearly 100 scents to choose from, and they are always adding new ones.

If you are interested in purchasing some, or want to host a candle party to earn free products, or lookng for something different to sell for a fundraiser, other than food, candy, or raffle me !

These make great Holiday gifts for teachers, Mom's, and anyone else who loves to make their home smell wonderful!

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