Monday, October 27, 2008

Mia Bella's Candles

I am also an independent distributor for Mia Bella's candles and other scented products. These candles are awesome and smell wonderful ! I have a candle obsession so when I found these, I knew I must help others find out about them, too. I personally, compare them to Circle E candles, but better. They are all natural and virtually soot free, unlike most of the others on the market. They have nearly 100 scents to choose from, and they are always adding new ones.

If you are interested in purchasing some, or want to host a candle party to earn free products, or lookng for something different to sell for a fundraiser, other than food, candy, or raffle me !

These make great Holiday gifts for teachers, Mom's, and anyone else who loves to make their home smell wonderful!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Halloween Photos at my House-FREE sitting fee

This year I am offering a FREE Halloween photo session at my home in Watson, outdoors. This date is Wednesday, October 29th and its for KIDS ONLY. I have several spots in my yard setup for really cute Halloween Photos (hay bales, Antique Wheelbarrow, pumpkins, old fences, etc.). Pre-Paid print packages will start at $10 and you must sign-up to participate. Photo appts. will be taken every 30 minutes from NOON to 5:30 pm. Check the website for details.

Friday, October 17, 2008

LSU Photo Day Proofs are now online

As of Today, Friday October 17th, all of the photos that I took last Saturday at the LSU Photo Day at Snicker Doodles children store, are now online for viewing. This turned out to be my busiest photo event yet....It was fun and I hope to see everyone again at the Christmas Photo Day. Thanks to allof you who made it possible, especially Alyssa Lavergne, owner of Snicker Doodles.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

LSU Photo Day..BUSY DAY !

WOW, LSU Photo Day at Snicker Doodles was very busy ! I had 26 appts. show up, that was a record ! Thanks to all the Moms & Dads, and kiddos that patiently waited their turn in line....especially in the morning. I can't wait to share all the photos with you all. I saw a ton of liitle cheerleaders and future quarter backs yesterday....stay tuned for the scoop on the FREE Halloween/Fall photo session at my house.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

LSU Photo Day at SnickerDoodles

LSU Photo Day
Its that time of year again...LSU Photo Day. Last year was a huge success and my busiest FREE Photo Day event. LSU Day even tops the Christmas Photo Day. The event is this Saturday and the sitting fee is FREE ! I already have the sign-up sheet just about full, so I am anticiapting to see a ton of little ones all dressed up in their purple & gold. Hope to see you all there !