Saturday, December 27, 2008

Candles, Candles, & more Candles

I wanted to remind everyone about my Mia Bellas Candles that I sell. These are awesome candles and they are $20 or less for the big jars. From now through January 5th, I am offering 5% off of any scent that I have in stock for Jard Candles and votive sized. You may order directly thrugh me if you are local, or to have them shipped straight to your home, you may purchase them online at Happy New Years !

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I am done for the year..

It is just a few days before Christmas and I am officially done for the 2008 year. Thanks to all of you for making this my most successful year yet ! I am off (on the photography side) for the month of Januray to catch up on some stuff around my house. I have some curtains to make and a bedroom to paint among a lot of other tasks that I have been putting I will be quite busy with these things.
Photography appointments resume in February. Spring is very busy for outdoor pictures so make sure to contact me early if you need some photos taken.
Happy Holidays and I hope that Santa is good for everyone and the New Year is even better!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow in Louisiana ??? WOW

Can Ya'll beleive it!! SNOW Today it snowed here in Louisiana...the first time in about 20 years. It was a blast and truly a photographer's dream. I know my poor camera was thinking, "What are you doing crazy lady?..Its freezing out here,"..but I had to do it, I just couldn't resist. We don't see SNOW often... My daughter, Braylee had so much fun playing in the snow and making snow angels. I even drug out my Christmas Sled that I use in my Christmas Pictures and gave it a try. When I bought it a few months bac as a "prop" I never thought that I would actually use it for snow, but we did!

Happy Holidays

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Photo Day - FREE Sitting Fee

Hi all.....its that time again, for the annual Christmas Photo Day at Snicker Doodles children's store in Denham Springs. Its Saturday, November 29th, all day....The sitting fee is FREE and the photo packages start at just $5.00. There are some packages that even include greeting cards and ornaments, too. Check out the details on the main page of my website:

Monday, October 27, 2008

Mia Bella's Candles

I am also an independent distributor for Mia Bella's candles and other scented products. These candles are awesome and smell wonderful ! I have a candle obsession so when I found these, I knew I must help others find out about them, too. I personally, compare them to Circle E candles, but better. They are all natural and virtually soot free, unlike most of the others on the market. They have nearly 100 scents to choose from, and they are always adding new ones.

If you are interested in purchasing some, or want to host a candle party to earn free products, or lookng for something different to sell for a fundraiser, other than food, candy, or raffle me !

These make great Holiday gifts for teachers, Mom's, and anyone else who loves to make their home smell wonderful!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Halloween Photos at my House-FREE sitting fee

This year I am offering a FREE Halloween photo session at my home in Watson, outdoors. This date is Wednesday, October 29th and its for KIDS ONLY. I have several spots in my yard setup for really cute Halloween Photos (hay bales, Antique Wheelbarrow, pumpkins, old fences, etc.). Pre-Paid print packages will start at $10 and you must sign-up to participate. Photo appts. will be taken every 30 minutes from NOON to 5:30 pm. Check the website for details.

Friday, October 17, 2008

LSU Photo Day Proofs are now online

As of Today, Friday October 17th, all of the photos that I took last Saturday at the LSU Photo Day at Snicker Doodles children store, are now online for viewing. This turned out to be my busiest photo event yet....It was fun and I hope to see everyone again at the Christmas Photo Day. Thanks to allof you who made it possible, especially Alyssa Lavergne, owner of Snicker Doodles.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

LSU Photo Day..BUSY DAY !

WOW, LSU Photo Day at Snicker Doodles was very busy ! I had 26 appts. show up, that was a record ! Thanks to all the Moms & Dads, and kiddos that patiently waited their turn in line....especially in the morning. I can't wait to share all the photos with you all. I saw a ton of liitle cheerleaders and future quarter backs yesterday....stay tuned for the scoop on the FREE Halloween/Fall photo session at my house.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

LSU Photo Day at SnickerDoodles

LSU Photo Day
Its that time of year again...LSU Photo Day. Last year was a huge success and my busiest FREE Photo Day event. LSU Day even tops the Christmas Photo Day. The event is this Saturday and the sitting fee is FREE ! I already have the sign-up sheet just about full, so I am anticiapting to see a ton of little ones all dressed up in their purple & gold. Hope to see you all there !

Saturday, September 20, 2008

FREE Photo Sessions

I am trying out something new...every few months I will hold some sort of drawing or contest to win a FREE photo session with me. The drawing for a free fall session was a huge success . I had a lot of parents enter their names.

Congratulations to Kimberly Serpas for winning this one and stay tuned for more drawings and contests to come !

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hurricane Gustav has come and left !

To all of you who are not from Louisiana, hurricanes are something that we have grown to deal with here. We get a bad one every few years and Gustav just this week, brought to us enormous winds and rain and almost a week without power, phones, and Internet. I was so happy this morning to have my internet back. I hope everyone faired OK and that we all get back on track...lets hope that Hurricane Ike doesn't pay a visit, too.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Clients are now able to order and pay online

I am so pleased to announce that my clients are now able to place their photo print order online and pay for them on my website all in one step. PayPal makes it super easy for us home based businesses to accept payment, now...YAY !

Monday, August 18, 2008

Register For a FREE Fall Photo Session !

I am offering a FREE Fall outdoor photo session. The drawing will take place September 15th. This can be an individual session, family of 4 session, Senior Pics, childrens pics...or whatever you wish. It will be about a 45 minute session at an outdoor location of your choice.

To register go back to my website , and you will see the details on the main page. Good Luck !

Monday, August 11, 2008

Isn't this a cute couple?

I recently did some pictures of this cute, and very in love, couple. I wanted to share one of my favorites with everyone !

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Welcome Bloggers to Bozartia Blog !

This is my first blog, so I am very new to this new trendy way of expression.

Let me start out by telling you a little about me. My name is Holly (Lemoine) Boze and I grew up in Central. I married by high school sweetheart, Damon and I am a stay-at-home Mommy to my 3 year old daughter, Braylee. I have always had a unique passion for photographing nature and anything outdoors. I run my photography business, Bozartia, alone and absolutely love taking photos of anything and everything. I love being creative with my photography and capturing everyone's unique style as I see them through my eyes.

Please feel free to join in and post here often..... Holly