Saturday, December 27, 2008

Candles, Candles, & more Candles

I wanted to remind everyone about my Mia Bellas Candles that I sell. These are awesome candles and they are $20 or less for the big jars. From now through January 5th, I am offering 5% off of any scent that I have in stock for Jard Candles and votive sized. You may order directly thrugh me if you are local, or to have them shipped straight to your home, you may purchase them online at Happy New Years !

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I am done for the year..

It is just a few days before Christmas and I am officially done for the 2008 year. Thanks to all of you for making this my most successful year yet ! I am off (on the photography side) for the month of Januray to catch up on some stuff around my house. I have some curtains to make and a bedroom to paint among a lot of other tasks that I have been putting I will be quite busy with these things.
Photography appointments resume in February. Spring is very busy for outdoor pictures so make sure to contact me early if you need some photos taken.
Happy Holidays and I hope that Santa is good for everyone and the New Year is even better!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow in Louisiana ??? WOW

Can Ya'll beleive it!! SNOW Today it snowed here in Louisiana...the first time in about 20 years. It was a blast and truly a photographer's dream. I know my poor camera was thinking, "What are you doing crazy lady?..Its freezing out here,"..but I had to do it, I just couldn't resist. We don't see SNOW often... My daughter, Braylee had so much fun playing in the snow and making snow angels. I even drug out my Christmas Sled that I use in my Christmas Pictures and gave it a try. When I bought it a few months bac as a "prop" I never thought that I would actually use it for snow, but we did!

Happy Holidays